At Scientia we realized that the technology adoption is always a challenge for all innovations. Our solutions focus on this challenge and address it by understanding and removing the hurdles in the technology adoption process. We always deliver simple solutions that provide an easily adoption!!!
This is a wave of connected devices .Be it smart phone or wearable device, it is connected and intelligent. Gone the time when user has to get their computer to do things online. We focus on bringing technology to your finger tips, as we believe this is the way for technology adoption
Ecosystem in Scientia is a blend of technology, innovation and people. Our solutions are incubated in this ecosystem and delivered at a world class quality. We believe that "products are evolved, not built". The lean thinking and agility in Scientia groom any idea into market fitting product through evolutions.
Kemedy brings you the best doctors in your neighbourhood to your mobile phone. View doctors' availability and book appointment to meet them. Kemedy is Easy and Simple. Start using Kemedy to avoid hassles of getting a doctor's appointment.
ParentEye is a platform to streamline the communication between teachers and parents at the secondary and higher secondary education levels. This helps parent to get a clear view about their wards performance in scholastic and non-scholastic area. ParentEye enables teacher to quickly find any information about a student at their fingertip using the smartphone. ParentEye open up a two way communication channel between teacher and parent. This is a real time communication as all these achieved through the smartphone that you carry always!!!
Scientia' product engineering team have the ability to transform your great idea to a product suitable for the market. We involve right from creating an MVP and transforming the same to a product fits to the market you are targeting, all through a lean product development methodologies.Our technology team is not only equipped with the latest technologies but also with the maturity to use the right tool at the right place. Our entrepreneur experience helps us to take the idea though the painful process of the feedback loop and came out with the right product.
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